Alchevsk ISW plans to

Alchevsk ISW plans to boost profits before taxation.
In 2004,…

Alchevsk ISW plans to boost profits before taxation.
In 2004, profits before taxation at Alchevsk ISW (Alchevsk, Lugansk region of Ukraine) will increase to UAH 70 mn despite the modernization program, which started at the enterprise. This information was reported by Taras Shevchenko, the General director.
At the present moment, production of cast iron at the enterprise amounts 2.6 mn tpy, steel – 3.5 mn tpy, rolled metal – 2.78 tpy.
The ISW keeps confidential before taxation profits of 2003, when in 2002 the company faced the loss of UAH 58.2 mn. From the other hand, production profitability increased up to 0,07 last year, against “minus” 1.26 year before.
Alchevsk ISW is the only enterprise with complete metallurgical process, it specializes on the production of foundry cast iron and open-hearth pig iron, plates and section of ferrous metals, low-magnetic and titanium steel. The company is a monopolist for the production of two ply sheet, stainless plates, special purposed steel and steel shot.
In 2003 the Works increased production by 33.2% against 2002 up to UAH 2.64 bn.
The Works employs about 22 ths people.
According to Delovaya nedelya (

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