Production by machine-building enterprises

Production by machine-building enterprises of Lugansk region…

Production by machine-building enterprises of Lugansk region of Ukraine made up UAH 150 mn.

During the period of January-February 2004 the leading machine-building enterprises of Lugansk region of Ukraine increased production up to UAH 150 mn. According to the Industrial department at Lugansk State Regional Administration, it is by 24.2% higher, in the analogous period of the last year. This growth was contributed by Luganskteplvoz HC, production of which made up UAH 31 mn in February 2004. According to the results of the two months of 2004 this enterprise increased production by 242%.

During the period under review, production volumes were also increased by the enterprises, as follows: Lugansk Plant For Cranshafts JSC +2.5 times against the analogous period of the last year, Sverdlovsk Machine-Building Plant OJSC +45.2%, Thermo JSC +2.6 times, UkrBat Consortium +29.5%. Production volumes were also increased by Pervomaysk Electromechanical Plant OJSC, Lugansk MachineBuilding Plant JSC +3.2 times, Automotozapchast JSC +2 times, Lugansk Foundry and Mechanical Plant +44.6%, Tsentrokuz OJSC +68.3%, Lugansk Tool Plant LLC +4 times.
According to the press-service of Lugansk State Regional Administration

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