Executive regulation of US steel industry
Executive regulation of US steel industry
The Metal approached Oleg Ryabokon, managing partner of legal firm Magister & Partners, to get his opinion on the issues of interest for the readers.
Production, export, import, and consumption of ferrous flat rolled products and forecast for 2001
Trends in modern manufacturing of oil country tubular goods
The last year of the second millennium was extremely aggressive for the Ukrainian tube producers. Nobody but the nearest neighbor stabbed in the back…
Small-size manufacturing and supplies of metal products
According to the latest short-term forecast published by the International Iron & Steel Institute (IISI) on 11.10.2001, in 2001 global consumption of finished steel products would drop to 613 million tonnes, as compared to 628 million tonnes reported in 2
The standing Exhibition of Ukrainian commodities is being prepared for opening in the capital of Lithuania – the city of Vilnus. The exhibition will be opened in October 2000 on the basis of Lithuanian-Ukrainian Information, Economic and Cultural Center I
Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian countries remain the largest markets for Ukraine’s metal exports.